Stop by Phoenix Scrapbook Store
in Goodyear, AZ...
Located inside the Brass Armadillo
Antique Mall on the SW corner
of Dysart & McDowell
{next to Lowe's}
OPEN 9am-9pm everyday!
in Goodyear, AZ...
Located inside the Brass Armadillo
Antique Mall on the SW corner
of Dysart & McDowell
{next to Lowe's}
OPEN 9am-9pm everyday!
Dresden foil and trim, self-sealing bags, etc...
Hurry in!
These are selling out quickly!
Only .80 cents per sheet!
{regular price: $1 per sheet}
***Sale runs April 20th - 23rd, 2012***
Discount is taken at
the Brass Armadillo register...
so, grab a shopping cart when you stop by!
Ask the friendly staff to point out where
when you visit the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall.
Located: 13277 W. McDowell Rd
Goodyear, AZ
**OPEN 9am-9pm daily**
Time to bring in more vintage
Paper Crafting goodies! ;)
I would love to have a booth that big! Oh, that pink dresser is to die for! You gave me an idea, I think I will display my smalls in my suitcases next weekend, if there is someplace I can lean the top of the suitcase
OMG!!!! I used to live on the west side, now I am in East Mesa, I am making a trip over for sure!!!!! Found you through Pinterest! Sandy @ 521 Lake Street
Okay, so how come I didn't find you when I visited the Brass Armadillo 6 months ago???? Are you new there?
I'll be visiting with Sandy, who left a comment right above this one. I hope you come visit my blog, too, at I'm a local artist who teaches paperclay sculpting, scrapbooking, and altered art. See you soon!
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